There were 3 of us at the Kofe Haus meet-up this morning and as different as we are, we found lots of things in common. We have a retired teacher and librarian, an archeaologist waiting to get into grad school and a writer and mother of two; two female, one male. I think that is what I like about knitting meetings. They bring together such a wide variety of people who start out only having a love of knitting in common, but we grow by interacting.
I also love the "knitting in public" movement. People stop by and chat about knitting and I am amazed at the people who say that they always wanted to learn. Some say they'll do it when they retire and others take up the hobby because they need an island of calm in the midst of a chaotic life. My mom says that she thinks better with her knitting needles and I find that to be true for myself also. Knitting calms me and grounds me. How often do you see and adult just sit down in a chair and think? We always need to be doing something and so often the thing that we are doing takes up too much of our attention to really think. Not so with knitting. I can sit in a chair and just knit and as I do, bits and pieces of my life seem to sort themselves out.
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