Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Knitting trip

Today Mother and I drove down to Irvington, VA to look at a new yarn shop...or at least new to us. We had such a great time and got a lot of inspiration. We didn't buy much which made us feel very virtuous, but I did get something I really needed. Years ago I gave Mother a hanging organizer for circular needles and I have meant to get one for myself sometime. This is the first time I saw one in a store. Usually you have to order them. This should help me with my organizing project. I promised myself, as a New Year's resolution, to sort through all my knitting needles and project bags and organize ALL MY STUFF!!! As soon as I get home, I am going right to it and I am actually getting psyched up about it. We shall see!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Finishing Eli's Sweater

I can't believe it has taken me almost a year to get this one sweater done. I've made some socks and other thing in between, but this was the project that I wanted to get done most. Since I am about 650 miles away from Eli, and I had to have her try it on periodically, it has been slow going. It's a good thing I made it big. All I have to do now is make the garter stitch button band and sew on the buttons.

I did have one great success...the yellow buttons. I found a great place to order One set of buttons had a black widow spider on it and that was what she picked. Eli is our nature child and she loves all sorts of things that creep and crawl. I ordered several sets, but I had a feeling that was what she would choose. Hopefully the buttons will arrive soon and the sweater will be on her by the weekend.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I know I knit something!

Where has this year gone? I know I have been knitting all year, but I seem to have so little to show for it. I have knitted sox and I have to remind myself that the guage is very fine and that means that, although they are small, there are a lot of stitches on the needles.

I've also been trying to rescue some old projects or reclaiming the yarn when that is not possible. I have been meaning to do this for a long time. I have a nice bit of yarn that once was a sweater for my son when he was little. It is in watch plaid colors and I have tried to reclaim it and knit something for his son. That hasn't been going well. I've tried several things and it just doesn't seem to work right. I hate to admit it, but the yarn may just be worn out. I don't mean it has breaks in it or anything like that, but it just doesn't seem to have any life to it. I think I am going to try one more time and after that, it goes in the trash if I can't work it out.